Monday, January 19, 2009

A Small Intro To Flash

The Four Flash Symbol Types

1. Graphic Symbol

2. Button Symbol

3. Movieclip Symbol

4. Font Symbol

Creating Graphic Symbols

step 1

To Create a Graphic Symbol you must Import an image to flash
by clicking import then browsing to find the image.
The hotkey for this is Ctrl+R.

Step 2

Click the image you imported and use modify > convert to symbol.
The hotkey for this is F8.

step 3

Now that you have converted your imported image to a
symbol it's important to add it to your library so that
you may be able to use it later on. Be sure to name all your
symbols as it is common to use more then one in any flash project.
Congratz on creating your first flash graphic symbol!

The purpose of Graphic symbols is to create an
animation in flash such as backgrounds, characters,
to set an atmosphere or suggest an idea.

Creating Button Symbols

Step 1

To create a Button Symbol first you import a bitmap or
image file of your choice to flash using the import command.
The hotkey for this is Ctrl+R.

Step 2

Click the image you imported and use modify > convert to symbol.
The hotkey for this is F8.

Step 3

Name your symbol and give it an action.

The purpose of button symbols is to give control to
the viewer and create an interactive experience.

Creating Movie Symbols

Step 1

To create a Movie Symbol first you import a bitmap or
image file of your choice to flash using the import command.
The hotkey for this is Ctrl+R.

Step 2

Click the image you imported and use modify > convert to symbol.
The hotkey for this is F8.

Step 3

Name your symbol and set the action.

Step 4

Double click the instance on the stage and switch
to symbol editing mode. You can create an animation
sequence such as tween animation or frame-by-frame

Movie symbols are created to save file space since they
are saved and exported flash projects that are viewed
within another flash project. Instead of haveing multiple
Graphic symbols you have one movie symbol. An example
would be someone watching a minor tv show or preview

Creating Font Symbol

Step 1

Open the Library window in an existing flash project.

Step 2

Go to the options menu in the library window choose new font.

Step 3

Now you select what font you want to use and set the specs
such as bold or italic and customize it any way you wish.
Be sure to name your font as well.

Step 4

Accept the changes click ok and the font should appear in the
library window.

Font Symbols are good because you can embed them inside your
flash movies so other people who do not have the font you do
will still be able to view your font. This also helps save file

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New patch Ally is FTW

Loco Chocos NEW SNACK

With the final touches added and a quick and catchy slogan I was able to create Loco Chocos! A chocolaty snack that no diet can resist! Muhahahahaha I'm evil~~~

Box Creation

I looked at possibilities for boxes to use after which I decided to go with the pizza pocket box idea. I also used the pizza pop pouch design in order to create a chocolaty snack for people on the go. The pizza pop and drink were both shot and modified in Photoshop.

Loco The Cow

Once I put the color layer on top of the original vector image I was able to give birth to Loco the cow!

Color Layer

I then created a separate layer specifically for the color I decided to add to my image which I applied shades and lights to. By doing so I was able to get a 3D effect to my mascot.

Loco Chocos

One day I started having thoughts about mad cow disease and how cows who have it would act. So I decided to draw a retarded cow and I liked it so much I scanned it and retraced it on computer. I then decided it would be a great mascot for a cereal product or something so I decided to make a pastry called Loco Chocos.